Remote Staff – Why It’s Important To Keep Them Motivated

Remote Staff – Why It’s Important To Keep Them Motivated

The number of work-at-home staff has doubled in the past few years because of the positive aspects it poses for both employees and employers.

However, along with this new trend is a challenge for managers–how do you keep your remote employees motivated and highly productive? The distance between a business owner and a member of staff is an undeniable threat as even the most innovative technologies in monitoring cannot ever determine if an individuals drive for work is below the critical level. Always, its been up to common sense and the skill in the reading of emotions that managers are able to ascertain the lack in motivation. With remote staffing, seeing as there is minimal to almost no physical contact, its becomes very demanding to maintain employees enthusiasm and focus to work with a company.

Since motivation is clearly not a one size fits all notion, its time to find the best ways to keep the fire burning for your virtual staff. Here are a few points to take note of:


Its important to always keep the lines of communication open. Aside from making sure that assignments are properly distributed its advised to Include your remote employees when sending mass e-mails, whether it be formal announcements of simple how-are-you’s. Have them send in a daily report as well, this must enumerate all of the tasks they have completed within their shift.


Your employees hold the success behind your company so its also vital to hear what they have to say. Listen to their insights and encourage them to speak up and provide suggestions or comments on regulations, activities or task related subjects. This will give them a sense of entitlement and further boost their morale.


It doesn’t mean that just because remote staff work away from the confines of the office building that they are valued any less. You must always express the importance of every single employee on the company’s growth, regardless if they are located miles away. Inflict on them a thought that even their smallest achievement counts as a building block towards the development of the business. Make them feel that they are part of a larger picture that paints a vision of success.


That’s the thing with compliments, even if some don’t admit it, it always give an aura of positivity. It has a way of making you feel good about yourself. So whenever any of your virtual employees do something of significance, go ahead, indulge and give them those much deserved praises.


Although the point above is necessary, it doesn’t mean you should forget constructive criticism altogether. Make you sure your staff understand what they’ve done right or wrong. Provide your inputs on how they’ve done their jobs as well as advice on how to potentially do better. Impose your leadership and they’ll be more than willing to follow.

Being disconnected with the main office environment can cause several issues for both business owners and staff but remember, with the right approach everything can still work swiftly.